Updates and new bugs

After a trip on Thursday to GBU Enterprises, I came home with some new bugs, a creature I have never kept on the Desktop before, and a critter that was happily released right after I snapped it’s photo.

A turtle, obviously.  Something I have NEVER kept before.

A turtle, obviously. Something I have NEVER kept before.

3 Madagascar hissing beetles!  Yep, I am bringing them back to the zoo!!

3 Madagascar hissing beetles! Yep, I am bringing them back to the zoo!!

A Black Widow and her brood.  After photos, they were kindly released away from my home and back into the wild!

A Black Widow and her brood. After photos, they were kindly released away from my home and back into the wild!

She had a few hundred in there, I think.  Now, they will be 'enjoyed' by the folks of Stockton, CA.

She had a few hundred in there, I think. Now, they will be ‘enjoyed’ by the folks of Stockton, CA.

A Pink Toed spiderling 1" whom I am still trying to name.  Sid IV, if you will.

A Pink Toed spiderling 1″ whom I am still trying to name. Sid IV, if you will.

A cool shot of the spiderlings backside, and as one of the forum members pointed out, the spiderling resembles a Green Bottle Blue, though I doubt GBU made that big of a mistake.  I am quite certain this is an avic.

A cool shot of the spiderlings backside, and as one of the forum members pointed out, the spiderling resembles a Green Bottle Blue, though I doubt GBU made that big of a mistake. I am quite certain this is an avic.


I had a great time interviewing one of the co-owners of GBU. and may even be volunteering there if I can get out of some engagements that will take up most of my time over the next month or so.  In the meantime I will be enjoying these new additions, and hopefully will acquire more to begin doing private bug-shows and maybe getting back into selling again.  Who knows!


Mitzy, my fuzzy Lasiodora parahybana (also acquired from GBU back in February) has turned out to be a boy.  I’m toying with renaming him, but may keep it the same just to throw people off.  Even though he will not (most likely) have the opportunity to reproduce, I will still enjoy watching him grow, and will  be keeping him as a personal pet, along with Serj, my A. chalcodes female.  Serj, who can live for up to 25ish years, will hopefully become a companion for my son when he goes to college.  He’s 1 now, so just 17 years to go!






Prepare to ‘Bug Out’ at California Bug Club’s next meeting

Prepare to ‘Bug Out’ at California Bug Club’s next meeting.

Prepare to 'Bug Out' at California Bug Club's next meeting

Visit the  California Bug Club for more information.

Tarantulas are great first pets for children

See the article here

ImageThis is “Fluffy”, the grouchiest G. rosea I have ever come across.  She is a female.

You can read the article ‘Tarantulas make great pets for any child’ HERE

To My Fellow Keepers (UPDATE)

Hello again!  It’s been a long time, and if you are browsing my site for photos of beautiful tarantulas and hissing roaches, I am sad to say, you will be disappointed,  Everything I had was linked to a website that I have since let lapse.

Since relocating the zoo to California, my priorities have shifted and unfortunately, my luck with electronics extended to my laptop. The Toshiba  is now sitting idly by, awaiting the day it will come alive again.  I have since sold most of the critters except for Serj, my beautiful 3 1/2″ A. Chalcodes.  I had her sexed in February, and received the happiest news!  It’s all skirts and barbies for her! 🙂

Then, I decided that while getting her sexed, I would try my luck with an LP (Salmon Pink Birdeater) sling.  I bought Mitzy right then, and am awaiting the day  when I will discover whether it’s bloomers or boxers for the little 3/4″ beauty.  Both she and Serj were a 1/8″ handful in the beginning, but now they are both getting huge! I never thought that my little desert freebie would turn out to be a critter that will probably go to college with my son.  Mitzy is designated to be for sale, but not until another molt or 6….

What’s that?  You didn’t know I had a baby?  Well….yes, and he is a beautiful, bouncing boy, born July 22nd, 2012.

Serj came before he did, and in between, I was devastated by the loss of both Sid and Nata within a few weeks of each other.   They  now reside in my freezer and are awaiting preservation.  (Yes, I know, I know….a year and a half is a long time to live in a freezer…but please bare with me! I’ve been busy!)  My baby is now learning about T’s through Serj and Mitzy, and will one day understand the beginnings of Buggy Zoo. He will also learn the story of  how Sid and Nata started it all.  They are definitely missed.

So, here’s to a new chapter of “The Zoo” with Mitzy, and a very pretty Serj leading the way.  Perhaps the name of the blog will change to From the Desktop of Serj and Mitzy….Naaahhhh

I look forward to bringing you new photos, on a new laptop (thanks to my Oregon friend who understood my predicament).  Until my old one is up, you can still view many photos on my facebook pages, since sadly, the Toshiba holds all of the originals. (A great lesson in BACKING UP FILES.)

Also, I look forward to sharing my son’s journey around the zoo with all of you.  If I ever refer to “Moo”, you will know I am talking about him.

Thank you for reading 😀

Have a great day, week, month, and year.

Moving, again….

Well, being that I am such a lazy blogger, I have a lot to say, and just a cup of coffee to help me say it.  As the title states, the zoo and I will be moving, again.  This time however, it will not be within Oregon.  We are packing up and heading to Stockton, CA sometime around the first.

If you have been a reader of my blog for a while, then you know that I refer to the zoo as Buggy Zoo.  This will change in the upcoming weeks, as I am hoping to make even more additions that will prove “neato” to the local people in Stockton.  Part of my plan is to run a booth at the Open Air Mall on Wilson Way, where these little critters can be showcased, and hopefully will inspire some new hobbyists to join the tarantula fan club.

The first new additions have already arrived, as I have just acquired some tiny Avicularia avicularia! They are cute, fuzzy, and are sure to make some child or adult happy as they grow into Pink Toed adults.  Up next on my grocery list is the Brachypelma smithi, which is the Red knee.  I have already sold one, and plan to get more.

For the first time, the zoo will have a dedicated shop, that is going to be set up specifically for them.  In the back of the house I am moving into there are shelves, and the ability to heat/cool them as needed.  We will be sharing the space with a bike shop, so if you are ever in the area and need a bike, or a tarantula, feel free to stop on by.

While I am excited to move, I am sad to see Oregon through a rear view mirror.  I hope to return once I take care of some things in California.

On a sadder note, on 2-16-11, the zoo lost Aphrodite– the Flame Leg sling.  She went into a molt, and never came out.  At 1/2″, she was very tiny, and it is hard to tell what could have caused the issue.  She will certainly be missed.

Updates, hooks, and another camera bites the dust….

`If you have been a subscriber to this blog for more than a day, then you probably know my luck with cameras.  The last digital- the one that took the amazing Nata and Isis on Buddha shots- has been sadly returned to Wal Mart so that the zoo and I could pay rent.  I vow to you, faithful reader, that I will someday buy and KEEP a camera that does not require a connection to my laptop to work.  Til then we are back to the 1.3mp camera that makes everything fuzzy.

Sorry guys.


NATA is MALE.  FLUFFY is FEMALE. What does this mean for the zoo?  Apparently not much since Nata is scared to death of Fluffy-who is much meaner and bigger than he is.  I have tried 3 mating attempts, and being a newbie keeper, this means that nothing but a run-a-way Nata has happened.

I am reading the Tarantula Keepers Guide, checking out forums, asking questions in groups on FB, and reaching out to my FB friends on my personal profile for help.  If nothing comes in the next few weeks, I will be seeking a partner for Nata via the forums.  He is a beautiful G. rosea that deserves to fulfill his male duties.

Nata getting mating hooks (on his front pair of legs…for you other newbies out there) after his last molt was devastating to me.  I have had Nata for a year now, and he was my second Tarantula that actually lived past the 18 day mark set by Sid 1.

Even sadder for me was that I was finally able to sex Sid 2.  Yes folks, my Avicularia avicularia is also male.  Even if Fluffy were friendly, it would do Sid no good, so I am reluctantly seeking a new home for him so that he too can fulfill his natural purpose.

Sid 2 was my first tarantula (besides the one just mentioned who lasted 18 days in my home…)  and is the love of my zoo.  If you have a female A. avic, email me at 8pinktoes@gmail.com and I will get you the selling details. Same thing for Nata.  (G. rosea)

I would be willing to trade for slings or a reduced price on an A. versicolor or T. blondi.

I am off to bed now.  I will announce some updates and good news in the next few days.

Word of the Day 1.1.11





Every year millions of us set out to begin new with a series of resolves and a new set of rules for our lives.  Usually, the new ideas fizzle within a few weeks, leaving us as failures in our own minds.


This year, I am hoping to change that for myself, and am only resolving to continue my journey upwards.  This year will mark my 6 year anniversary away from substance abuse, and the road has looked up ever since.

I will continue in my tarantula hobby, and perhaps grow the “zoo” by a few critters.

I will continue to read books that enrich my life and vocabulary, while straying from medias that inspire negativity.

I will continue to not smoke, drink, or do whatever it is I did before.

I will continue to love my family, and be as present for them as humanly possible.

I will continue to wear slacks with funny socks, collect sporks, and play with bugs.

I will continue to drink coffee until I get so tired of it I stop.

I will continue to enjoy life, even in the simplest ways.

Isis and Buddha
Isis (B. smithi) and Buddha
Finally got them off the floor!! 12.31.10
Off The Floor 12.31.10

Sporks on my Wall



I resolve to keep going.



National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is just a couple of weeks away, and with that, I wanted to unveil my soon to be novel, and my cool Author Bio Page 🙂

SidNata's Author Bio Page

This is a screen shot I took with my NoteBook application.  Cool, huh?

I hope to see some of you during the month of November, and happy writing to you all!

Tomorrow, the E. Cyanognathus and the P. Subfusca should be arriving!!!  YAY!!!!!


Let us call this: Moving/Additions/Name Change/and Baby Roaches.


As of the 3rd of November, this blog will no longer qualify as “The Desktop of Sid and Nata.” Sid and Nata will be moving into an office, along with the rest of the zoo.  That’s right, folks, we are moving to the country where we will have a whole room (office) dedicated to these wonderful inhabitants!

Now, since my office will be separate from the rest of the house, I must decide on a couple of displays for the living room!  My plan, for this next year, is to acquire some healthy males and females to begin various breeding projects, and since we will be living by a much larger city, I am hoping to invite potential customers (and students) over to show off and teach with the zoo.

This brings me to


This week I am set to receive 2 new spiderlings! An Ephebopus cyanognathus  (Skeleton Blue Fang) and a Poecilotheria subfuscia!!  (Purple Pokie Thingy!)

The Blue Fang has been on my want list from day one, and the Pokie is a species that I wasn’t too familiar with until a cool stranger from FB hit me up about his upcoming brood!  I am so very grateful to this gentleman, and hope to return the favor when my zoo finally multiplies!

Another neato offering comes in the form of an arachnid not currently on the desktop: A scorpion colony of Vejovis spinigerus!  I am not familliar with scorps, but will learn like I did when I first got Siddhartha 1, and the rest of the zoo.  READING NETWORKING AND ASKING QUESTIONS.  Forums and communities like IG have been instrumental in my learning process, and if you are looking for places to join, just go to BuggyZoo.com and click on forums for a few places to meet other hobbyists!


They have gone and done it.  My G. portentosa have decided to multiply, so I am begging my FB friends to take some babies off my hands.  These little buggers are so cute, but really?  Do I NEED 30?  I will keep a few to maturity, but since folks have been so kind to me, I want to return the favor and spread the wealth!

As soon as the move is complete, I will see who gets what, and over the next couple of weeks, I will be adding care sheets for the Blue Fang, P. subfuscia, and the scorpions. I might as well add the roaches too since it seems there are many to come!