My Invertebrate

This is a current list of all of my invertebrates by scientific and common names, as well as their given names (by me).

Current Photos can be viewed HERE .

Avicularia avicularia– Pink Toed Tarantula- Siddhartha II

Brachypelma smithiMexican Redknee– Isis

Grammostola rosea (2)- Chilean Rose- Nataraja and Sarva Shiva

Aphonopelma chalcodes– Arizona Blond- Serj

Aphonopelma sp.- Davis Mountain Rusty- Tank

Brachypelma boehmei -Mexican Fireleg- Aphrodite

Cyclosternum fasciatum– Costa Rican Tigerrump-“Zero”

Lasidora parahybana (2)- Salmon Pink Bird Eater- “Annabel Lee” and “Raven”

Nhandu Chromatus- Brazillian Black and White-“Athene”

Nhandu Coloratvillosus- “Flora”

Gromphadorhina Grandideri- Tiger Striped Hissing Cockroaches- Tara + Unnamed Male + Babies 🙂

Blaptica Dubia -colony

2 thoughts on “My Invertebrate

    • Thank you!! I need to change the species of my hissers though…they are Gromphadorhina Grandidieri, Tiger Striped Hissing cockroaches………….

      OOPS!! 😛

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