So you are a teen wanting a tarantula, but mom says “OH HELL NO!!”

Okay, maybe you are a spouse wanting a tarantula….or a roommate, and the counterpart of your household is vehemently opposed to your demands.  Here are a few tips to help you on your way that may or may not help you, but will at least get you hooked up with fellow spider enthusiasts (who according to your housemate are probably tattooed freaks and certified crazies.)  I assure you, and them, however, that there is nothing certifiable about your fascination with the hairy, 8-legged creatures of the night.  They are rather striking, and some are even handleable!  So, check out my latest article ‘How to convince your parents to let you have a tarantula’ and let these tips send you on your way to being a star keeper in no time!

Caution: there may be normal folks mentioned in this article!

C. fasciatum after a molt named Zero

C. fasciatum after a molt named Zero

A madagascar hissing roach


A nice little book on keeping tarantulas

Me and a G. rosea who later turned out to be male (pictured as mature and pink towards the top of this blog.

Tia and Sarva

Me and another G. rosea whom I sent to be the first tarantula of a 13 year old girl.  An amazing event that has fueled my career as an invertebrate dealer.

Tia and Nata

Tarantulas are great first pets for children

See the article here

ImageThis is “Fluffy”, the grouchiest G. rosea I have ever come across.  She is a female.

You can read the article ‘Tarantulas make great pets for any child’ HERE

A few old and new pics

A few old and new pics

Me and some of my past and present critters 🙂

Osiris (E, cyanognathos)

Osiris (E, cyanognathos)

Nata (B. Rosea) and I RIP

Nata (G. Rosea)  RIP



Mitzy (L.P.)

Mitzy (L.P.)

Zero (C. fasciatum)

Zero (C. fasciatum)

Serj (A. chalcodes)

Serj (A. chalcodes)

Updates, hooks, and another camera bites the dust….

`If you have been a subscriber to this blog for more than a day, then you probably know my luck with cameras.  The last digital- the one that took the amazing Nata and Isis on Buddha shots- has been sadly returned to Wal Mart so that the zoo and I could pay rent.  I vow to you, faithful reader, that I will someday buy and KEEP a camera that does not require a connection to my laptop to work.  Til then we are back to the 1.3mp camera that makes everything fuzzy.

Sorry guys.


NATA is MALE.  FLUFFY is FEMALE. What does this mean for the zoo?  Apparently not much since Nata is scared to death of Fluffy-who is much meaner and bigger than he is.  I have tried 3 mating attempts, and being a newbie keeper, this means that nothing but a run-a-way Nata has happened.

I am reading the Tarantula Keepers Guide, checking out forums, asking questions in groups on FB, and reaching out to my FB friends on my personal profile for help.  If nothing comes in the next few weeks, I will be seeking a partner for Nata via the forums.  He is a beautiful G. rosea that deserves to fulfill his male duties.

Nata getting mating hooks (on his front pair of legs…for you other newbies out there) after his last molt was devastating to me.  I have had Nata for a year now, and he was my second Tarantula that actually lived past the 18 day mark set by Sid 1.

Even sadder for me was that I was finally able to sex Sid 2.  Yes folks, my Avicularia avicularia is also male.  Even if Fluffy were friendly, it would do Sid no good, so I am reluctantly seeking a new home for him so that he too can fulfill his natural purpose.

Sid 2 was my first tarantula (besides the one just mentioned who lasted 18 days in my home…)  and is the love of my zoo.  If you have a female A. avic, email me at and I will get you the selling details. Same thing for Nata.  (G. rosea)

I would be willing to trade for slings or a reduced price on an A. versicolor or T. blondi.

I am off to bed now.  I will announce some updates and good news in the next few days.

Questions Answered

I had a few more hits on my blog today than expected.  Being a blog about tarantulas, you can probably imagine that the stats are not stunning.  However, the same questions and searches seem to keep coming up.  Today, I will use the search terms from this blog today, along with some recurring questions/searches to get you to the right info.

Remember that if you do not find an answer here, you can always join InsectGeeks, visit forums, or ask around your social networks to see what their experience is.  Although most information is useful, you will find outdated or unusable info around the web, so SEARCH WISELY!

The FIRST THING I would recommend is to get a copy of the TARANTULA KEEPERS GUIDE by Stanley A. and Marguerite Schultz.  This is considered the “bible” of the keeping hobby, and is recommended by most top breeders/dealers and hobbyists.  GET THIS BEFORE YOU GET YOUR FIRST TARANTULA.

If you already have a T, and still have questions (and you should) GET THE BOOK.


I have many friends across insect geeks, facebook, on forums, and elsewhere.  When I see a blog or site that shares information in a readable non-ad flashy way, I contact the webmaster and compliment them.  This opens up a dialogue for future questions, and lets them know that their hard work is helping someone.  (Like ME!)

Now, on to today’s searches:

brachypelma boehmei when will she get the colors:

My boehmei has colors, and she is only a half inch.  Look closely, and if you notice yours getting dark and ugly, then it is probably time for a molt.


why is my b. smithi is pacing?

Could be a hunger thing, could be that her soil is too moist, could be that she is looking for a retreat.  Try to fix each of these and see if it helps.  Usually, the pacing stops shortly after the problem is addressed.  My A. avic was doing this, and I realized that I had forgotten to put a climbing branch in after  a cleaning.  When I put the branch back in, Sid climbed up and made a nice new web.  The pacing ceased.


parahybana on girls hand

My parabyana is too small to be handled (1″) and I have seen her flick hairs…so I cannot help you there.  Try Google Pictures.


aphonopelma sp care sheet



n. chromatus care sheet

Try THIS and add enough soil to allow for burrowing!!


brachypelma smithi spiderling care

YER KILLIN ME SMALLS!!!!!  Try THIS and if yours is as small as mine (1 1/2″ls approx) use a film canister as a hide.  These are GREAT for any terrestrial spiderling!


how fast do rose hair slings molt

I am not too familiar with a rosie as a sling, but I do know that as adults, there is NO TELLING.  Rosies do their own thing at their own pace.  If your sling gets sluggish, gets ugly and darker in color, and refuses food, you are probably headed for a molt.  Hit up some forums for more info.


spiderling care sheet

SEE ABOVE ANSWERS!  Please be more specific.  Certain spiderlings (like my E. cyanognathus and P. subfusca require more humidity, and different set ups than other spiderlings.) When you hit the forums, have a species in mind so the community can better assist you.


If you have any specific questions for me, please use the form on the right to ask it.  I won’t bite!  If I can’t answer a question. I will be more than happy to find the answer for you because it will probably benefit me and my growing tarantula zoo as well!!

You can always email me directly at too….

Thanks for looking!

~Tia Marie

New Pics, New Members, New Year..soon….

I have not blogged in a while, and there are some aspects of the zoo that have changed.  First of all, there are fewer members now as I have started getting Buggy Zoo on track to begin selling (which actually came in handy for the holiday season…but not for what you think..) and secondly, we finally managed to get a REAL camera!

Who’s Been Sold:

Zero (C. fasciatum) and Sarva (Grammostola rosea)

Both went to wonderful homes, and are definitely missed here at the Zoo.

Even though I really disliked seeing them go, it was definitely an experience worth having.  I got to screen the people buying them, and even managed a cool roach (G. portentosa) freebie with the sale of Sarva- who went home with a very intelligent, and very young girl who was already raising frogs and other reptiles.  Sarva was to be her first tarantula, so all the nights of handling the well mannered arachnid should pay off.  They were a good fit for each other!

We also had an addition here at the zoo- another Rose Hair that I have dubbed “Fluffy”.  Fluffy is actually the oldest in my zoo, at an estimated 7 or 8 years old, and began her journey towards the Zoo as a Halloween Decoration that never seemed to leave the house that she was decorating.  The tarantula started out as a pet for at least 6 years, but was left at a house to scare party goers.  For a whole year Fluffy stayed as a decoration that was reluctantly fed by a woman who was deathly afraid of her. Even though she was fed well, Fluffy wound up on a Craigs List ad that caught my eye.

She is fat, dull in color, and kind of decrepit looking- which is why I love the name I chose for her.  “Fluffy” denotes her true beauty, which comes in her still fuzzy appearance:


Now, compared to Nataraja (old photo on the right above my wrist)



There is quite a difference.

I love our new camera, and in the new year, I hope to use it much more.

Here is one more for you:Skeleton Blue Fang Spiderling

For questions, comments, or sales info- please use the form on the right.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

~Tia Marie

Loss and a Molting Rose Hair

Well, the zoo is still on the floor of the new apartment, but I have been pricing some shelving units that will look fantastic in my living room.  Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks I will be scheduling zoo visits with some local children, allowing them to explore the fascinating world of invertebrate keeping.


Tonight, I had one molt that was VERY unexpected.  Sarva, my smaller Rose Hair, did the deed after 4 months of barely eating.  She looks beautiful, and the best part is that I am almost certain that she is a GIRL!  YAY!!  I measured her through the enclosure, and I am putting her at around 3 1/2″.  She gained an entire inch!!

Sad news 😦

Raven, my moody Lasidora parahybana sling died yesterday.  I noticed it in the death curl, and moved it into a film container with no lid just to be sure.  I am certain that she has passed, and sadly, I don’t know why.  Once again I believe that the recent molt might have been at fault, but because it was less than an inch, I am unable to give a definite reason.  If you have been following this blog, you will recall that the zoo just lost an Aphonopelma sp- Davis Mountain Rusty under the same circumstances.  Humidity levels have been closely monitored, as have feeding practices.  I am still looking into ways to prevent future losses.

As mentioned earlier, I am looking at shelving units to nicely display the tanks and jars, as well as provide functionality for lighting and heating (we have a gecko here too.)  A camera is in the works so as soon as we are fully settled into the new apartment, I will be posting pictures.

I am looking for photos and set up ideas, so if you have any tips or photos of your own “zoo” displays, send them to me at 8 pink toes at g mail dot com, and I will post them here!

(BTW- If you read the last blog, Aphrodite is doing well, and is her same old self. 🙂

Care sheets updates

A few months back I made some quick care sheets for various species using photos and info from around the web.  Now that I have acquired a few new slings, I decided it was time to update the care sheets using my own photos and some information relevant to my critters to give you a quick overview of the desktop.

To see these updated sheets, just visit this link HERE.

The site BUGGYZOO will now host the “Meet the Zoo” page as well.

I see a lot of searches for the Cyclosternum fasciatum and Nhandu chromatus, so I will be sure to keep these pages updated frequently.

Each care sheet now has my critter’s LS, name, common name, and photo- as well as information on temperament and housing etc.

I have been promising these updates, so finally, here they are!


Scratching my head….

I have been too lazy to post anything lately, but here is a quick update:

Zero (C. fasciatum) has still not let me measure him….nor have I been able to get near the molt.  Today though, he did begin to push it out of his hide, so tomorrow I am going to try and remove it while feeding the zoo.

Tank (Aphonopelma sp.) has not eaten in a while, and looks like he may be molting.  Aphrodite (B. boehmei) has also been refusing food, and looks very boring in color.  I really REALLY REALLY can’t wait for her to molt!!

Nata (G. rosea) exhibited some odd behaviors on Sunday, and in addition to refusing food (which is not like her at all!) she attacked the water that I was pouring in her dish AND attacked the tweezers I was using to place a cricket in her tank.  This is highly unlike her.

Now, she and Sarva are both acting like normal pet rocks.  WEIRD.

Thank God Sarva is still normal, and as always was a pleasure to hold during feeding.  She’s so sweet!

Well, that was my update, and when I finally get my schedule back (as far as adjusting to new work times and new sleep times) I will post the promised pictures, Molt Update, LS roundup, and regular blogging.

BTW- For those of you who read my Frank Zappa blog, I wanted to let you know that tonight my cat tried to eat my foot…through my blanket.  He is truly a douche-bag, but yes…I love him.

My boy loves me!

Frankie *Wonder Kitty* Loving Me With His Teeth

Newbie Tools- Things I have been learning…

Here is a short list of things I use, or have learned over the past few months as a newbie keeper.

1- Naming is important if you don’t want to say proper names over and over again:  EXA- Cyclosternum fasciatum, Brachypelma boehmei (which I had been mispronouncing for weeks!), Aphonopelma (unnamed sp.) “Davis Mountain Rusty” etc…..  Zero, Aphrodite, and Tank are much easier to say, and much easier for my husband to pronounce when he is talking to me.  It is the common place in which he can understand the language that I am speaking…all else leaves him utterly confused….

2-Film containers are the gifts of GODS!!  They can be used for scooping, digging, hiding, transporting and subduing prey.  They are also great for dead cricket removal!

3-A DIG KIT IS NECESSARY!  My dig kit contains the above mentioned film container, a paintbrush, the bottom of a sweater gift box (The kind that lazy people like me use to give sweaters at christmas ’cause I am too lazy to wrap OR get a better gift!) I also have a flashlight on hand at all times, and a spoon.

4-Dig Kits Are Necessary when someone like me wanted a better view of my spiderlings and put them in jars with too much soil. (and then a week or so of NOT seeing my spiderlings at all!,  10 minutes with the jar and a dig kit, and you may  find your spiderling somewhere in the big brown soil void.  I like to use my dig kit on the bed.  My husband likes to sit on the couch at these times.

5-Holding a tarantula in bed is fun- unless your husband is eating. Apearantly he does NOT want to see Sarva, no matter how sweet she is!

6-Tarantulas are a great way to spend the money you saved from quitting smoking!  If your husband does not want the tarantulas, offer to take up smoking again.  Chances are, you will be a master keeper in no time!

7- Tarantulas dance.  I call it the “I Got Food” dance.

8-Forums are useful!  You may look like a newbie, but little do those people know, you are only asking stupid questions so that real newbies won’t have to be embarrassed when they go to ask them!

9- 3 cool tarantulas beat your neighbor’s froofy Bischon poodle yappy thing in the pet department hands down. Your dog wears T- Shirts?  My tarantula does the “I got food” dance.- a 10cents cricket is well worth the spending! … Cesar Milan video necessary.

10- Crickets are for quick feeding, or you will surely pack up and leave your home from the stench.

I have many more newbie thoughts…and these are in no random order.  I will keep the list running, and if you have a newbie thought, please share!  Real newbies would hate to feel alone and retarded when it comes to keeping…