So you are a teen wanting a tarantula, but mom says “OH HELL NO!!”

Okay, maybe you are a spouse wanting a tarantula….or a roommate, and the counterpart of your household is vehemently opposed to your demands.  Here are a few tips to help you on your way that may or may not help you, but will at least get you hooked up with fellow spider enthusiasts (who according to your housemate are probably tattooed freaks and certified crazies.)  I assure you, and them, however, that there is nothing certifiable about your fascination with the hairy, 8-legged creatures of the night.  They are rather striking, and some are even handleable!  So, check out my latest article ‘How to convince your parents to let you have a tarantula’ and let these tips send you on your way to being a star keeper in no time!

Caution: there may be normal folks mentioned in this article!

C. fasciatum after a molt named Zero

C. fasciatum after a molt named Zero

A madagascar hissing roach


A nice little book on keeping tarantulas

Me and a G. rosea who later turned out to be male (pictured as mature and pink towards the top of this blog.

Tia and Sarva

Me and another G. rosea whom I sent to be the first tarantula of a 13 year old girl.  An amazing event that has fueled my career as an invertebrate dealer.

Tia and Nata

Tarantulas are great first pets for children

See the article here

ImageThis is “Fluffy”, the grouchiest G. rosea I have ever come across.  She is a female.

You can read the article ‘Tarantulas make great pets for any child’ HERE