To my followers


Dear fine people of WordPress and beyond,

Thank you for the time you have taken to stop by, like, and comment on my blog.  I appreciate it very much.  If you are new, please bare with the shameless promotion of my Examiner articles, as I am a new contributor to the site, and have not yet gotten my legs.

Also, in case you have noticed, a lot of my older posts here are missing their photos and have expired links.  This is due to the hosting website, which is no longer available.  I apologize for this, and have been working (slowly) to get the photos back up.  The computer that had the originals is also down, so I have to comb through my multiple social media sites to see if back-ups were saved. Please bare with me during this painstaking process, and thank you, in advance, for your patience.  If you are looking for something in particular, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the form in the sidebar.

To piggyback on the photos issue, I also must warn that I have incredibly bad luck with cameras.  If I have not posted in a while, it is probably to do a broken piece of equipment.

I am happy to have you aboard, and would love to hear from you!

Thanks again, and I look forward to helping you along your journey into the world of invertebrate hunting and keeping.  See you around!


Word of the Day 1.1.11





Every year millions of us set out to begin new with a series of resolves and a new set of rules for our lives.  Usually, the new ideas fizzle within a few weeks, leaving us as failures in our own minds.


This year, I am hoping to change that for myself, and am only resolving to continue my journey upwards.  This year will mark my 6 year anniversary away from substance abuse, and the road has looked up ever since.

I will continue in my tarantula hobby, and perhaps grow the “zoo” by a few critters.

I will continue to read books that enrich my life and vocabulary, while straying from medias that inspire negativity.

I will continue to not smoke, drink, or do whatever it is I did before.

I will continue to love my family, and be as present for them as humanly possible.

I will continue to wear slacks with funny socks, collect sporks, and play with bugs.

I will continue to drink coffee until I get so tired of it I stop.

I will continue to enjoy life, even in the simplest ways.

Isis and Buddha
Isis (B. smithi) and Buddha
Finally got them off the floor!! 12.31.10
Off The Floor 12.31.10

Sporks on my Wall



I resolve to keep going.


POST A WEEK/DAY 2011….I’m undecided

So….  I fizzled on NaNoWrimo– but made it to roughly 1/2 the expected word count in spite of the timing of a major move and complete job/city change.

Now WordPress wants bloggers to challenge themselves to a blog a day, or for people like me- a blog a week.  Here, I will vow to you to blog at least once a week regarding updates on the zoo.

I might even try the post a day and incorporate a more popular blog I write on my personal social networks: Word of the Day.

I am not going to make any absolute promises, and if I do attempt the craziness of POSTADAY2011, I will be sure to tag correctly so that you all can still find the zoo blogs with ease.

BTW- Happy New Year to everyone!

Molts, NaNo, and a stray Roach.

Quick Update for you guys:

-Siddhartha, the Godfather of the Desktop (or floor of the new apartment) has molted!

I am guessing that (s)he is 4″ now!  This is the 3rd molt this year.  One every 5 months is the trend.

-Osiris Molted!  The Ephebopus cyanognathus from the kind stranger looks like it might be about 3/4″ now, up from 1/2″ ! It still has the pink legs, and hopefully will keep baby colors for a while.

Stray Roach-

One of the Gromphadorhina portentosa babies escaped, and was found basking in the light on top of Lizzy the Leopard Gecko‘s tank.  I think a few more are missing, and some have been found living amongst the crickets.  I just pick them up and place them back in the roach tank- I can’t figure out how they are escaping!

Aphrodite (Brachypelma boehmei) has not moved in a few days.  I am keeping a close watch, in hopes that there might be a molt coming up.  She hasn’t eaten in some time, so we shall see…  I hope that she turns out okay, but I refuse to move her or do anything until I know for sure.  Every forum I have read says not to move a tarantula that might be dead until it is in the death curl,and/or stinking.


12,774 words as of this posting.  I took Saturday off to spend time with my husband whom I had not seen in a week due to the move, and his new Graveyard schedule.

I have been making coffee by hand (since our old maker had to be thrown out) and my guy was awesome enough to bring us home a new one this morning!! (After I had just spent a half hour hand making a pot…sheesh!)

It gets tough to write without thoughts of editing and restarting every five minutes.  However, knowing that I have committed to doing this has really allowed me to stick to it without feeling like I can just walk away.  I have developed “writing buddies” on all of my social networks, along with interacting with local Wrimos -although I have yet to be able to make it to a write-in.  I hope to, someday!

Well, it is back to the ol’ word processor, and hopefully a few more words so that i can at least make my daily goal of 1700 words for the day.

Wish me luck, and if you are writing as well, good luck to you!

You can always look me up on the NaNo website under the user name SidNata!



NaNoWriMo is my Bitch…well…Days 2 and 3 it was…

First things first:

I have not seen Alee in her jar for about a month now.  This morning, during routine critter check, I noticed that she pushed out a molt through one of the burrow holes.  I will try to measure soon.

We have another addition to the zoo: Lizzy Borden, a Leopard Gecko that needed a new home ASAP.  She got one, and seems to also like hiding.  When I started the zoo (which now sits on the floor of the new apartment) I never expected to have a gecko, or the scorpions that I should be sending the shipping fees for next week.  5 in all, babies.  I am going to need help with these, guys!

All is still well in the zoo, although I am having problems getting crickets.  Luckily no one in this household ever starves, and I can get superworms if necessary.

NaNoWriMo stuff-

Day one I began my quest, we met Ferren andFierre, while getting some of the back story that brought Fierre to where he was at in the Black Lands.

I couldn’t quite get my footing in day one, so I fell behind by about 500 words off the days goal of 1600.

Day 2 came, and I woke up just feeling ready, like I knew that the story was bursting to get out from some far off place.  I typed and typed and typed, allowing it to flow and manages 2,558 words.  Far better than Monday’s 1185.

Then, day 3 came and my mind and fingers were working in such cooperation that I couldn’t stop typing!  I was developing more characters, killing 2 off (one was planned all along) and the other just screamed out of my brain and on to the laptop keys. GONE. VANISHED.

I typed and awesome 3,310!

Now, you may not know this, but most of this typing has been on the hard floor of my old apartment.  My husband sleeps during the day and works nights, so I have had the wonderful task of packing and cleaning.  We moved almost a half hour away, and since I am not able to drive, I have been stuck there, trying to pass the time-or better yet-making good use of it.

The move is almost complete, and today has been my first full day in the new apartment.  The entire zoo is here (including a leopard gecko that was given to me a day before we started moving) and so is the cat-who hates being indoors.  He let me know this all night last night.

This apartment is bigger, has central air and heat, softer carpet (since we now have no furniture beyond a bed and a desk that are still at the old place til tomorrow) and I am typing this to you from the floor as well.

So why is it that I only have 400 words today?

I just woke up from a heavy nap and have devoured a Tiger’s Milk bar.  I have a cup of coffee beside me, and am hoping that (as my NaNoWriMo writing buddy would say) I CAN DO THIS.  Hell, she’s doing it with NO caffeine, and way worse stresses than I have to deal with.

Now that all of this is off my chest, I am off to type for really reals now.



National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is just a couple of weeks away, and with that, I wanted to unveil my soon to be novel, and my cool Author Bio Page 🙂

SidNata's Author Bio Page

This is a screen shot I took with my NoteBook application.  Cool, huh?

I hope to see some of you during the month of November, and happy writing to you all!

Tomorrow, the E. Cyanognathus and the P. Subfusca should be arriving!!!  YAY!!!!!


Update and 16 Legs, perhaps……

Well folks, I have been a very bad blogger.  So far, no pictures, and no LS report for the newly molted.  Things have been pretty crazy around the desktop, but rest assured, the goodies are coming.


Annabel Lee Molted last Sunday, and is getting bigger by the minute!  According to my note card records, she was a stunning 1/2″ after her last molt, which leads me to believe that she is around 3/4″ now!

Raven, Alee’s litter mate, should also be molting soon.  According to the same records, she molted 6 days after Alee last time.  I am curious to see if they will remain on schedule.

Additions Update:

Through the magick of Facebook, I have had the opportunity to meet and greet some of you, and many other enthusiasts from around the globe.  One of whom has just successfully bred a Poecilotheria Subfuscia!!  (Well…more like bred, egg sat, hatched, egged with legged, and over-saw molts into 2nd instar…) He has offered to send me one of these adorable little critters, and even managed to wrangle me an Ephebopus cyanathogos! (Blue Fang!!!!!!!) I am flattered by the gesture, and thank *you* for the idea!!

I hope to one day be in a position that allows me to also send out 8-legged packages to random people across the US.

Speaking of positions, an opportunity to move locations has come our way, and I must say that I am excited to jump on it!  Currently, the desktop and I reside (with my husband) in a small apartment in Grants Pass, Oregon that is no longer meeting our needs.

Within the next month or 2 I expect us all to be starting fresh with a new apartment, and new jobs in our closest big city.  This will not only grant me the opportunity to possibly meet other hobbyists, but it will also allow me more freedom to begin breeding projects as room and time expand!

One of the many perks of moving will also place me by SOU, where I hope to study biology, and pass (knowledge) along to 5th and 6th graders as a teacher.  It took a high school teacher to inspire my love of reptiles and crawley things, and I want to bring the same joys to a kid like me…

(Thank you Ms. Bodily, you are one of my select heros.)

In addition to this, I am getting out of the retail game while I prepare to go back to school, so hours will once again change, but opportunities will grow for all of us on and around the desktop of Sid and Nata.

Let’s all not forget the upcoming NaNoWriMo event that starts in exactly 32 days!  I will be taking on the task of 50,000 words by the end of November that may actually look loosely like a story that some may call a novel…..  I am in research mode for this, and have a few ideas that may prove fruitful with a bit of TLC and lots of coffee!  If you are in the mood to race with thousands of people from around the world,come join in at!!  Look for me under the user name “Sidnata” and we can be writing buddies 🙂

Keep baring with me, and as soon as I get it together, the website and FB pages will be published for the world to see!  Wish us luck!!

More Newbie Tools

Lets talk about more “Newbie Tools.”

I had an experience today that I wanted to share with you. It came about at around noon when I was sitting with my husband on our couch, each of us exploring our own virtual domains via separate laptops.  I was lost in Pogo Games playing Poppit!, and he was browsing Craigslist for things we cannot afford.

He named off some pianos, a guitar, and some other musical equipment, when I finally told him to get out of there (that site) and quit torturing himself.

I then rattled off (while almost completely absorbed in Poppit!) that I hate Craigslist when I am broke, because I always find stuff like fish tanks on there when I have no money.  I then somehow made the sentence: I always use Craigslist to get fish tanks for the zoo; Hell, I got half the tanks for free that way!

That was the sound of the turn of my Sunday.

My husband (what seemed like seconds later…I don’t know…I was lost in that stupid game!) suddenly turned his laptop towards me, and told me to look.  I was startled awake from the game coma, and saw the words “20 gal fish tank and 5 gal fish tank” meet my eyes, followed by a local phone number,

I told him to quit torturing me with stuff I can’t afford, when he gladly pointed out that this was listed in the FREE section.  I WAS ON IT!

Visions of only needing a new tank for one of the L parahybanas came about, and Isis! Oh how Isis would love the Kritter Keeper while Zero would get all the leg room of a 5 gallon!!

I called the number, and left a message.  The number called me back a minute or so later, and I heard the voice on the other end say that they only had 2 small tanks left.

I was still happy to come and get them, because that would mean that Zero, Isis AND the crickets would get a cool tank!! (I am picturing 2 5 gallons now…GLORIOUS SUNDAY!!)

Picture now my face when I got to the house of the tank giver-away-er and was greeted by a 10 gallon that was very dirty, sitting on this strangers porch.  He then insisted that my husband and I go into his house, (as we were followed by another guy ALL creepy) to be met with

(my 5 gallon??)


Sitting on this gentleman’s kitchen counter was an even filthier 10 gallon tank complete with RIVER MINNOWS!

(Oh God, I don’t want fish!)

When he saw my face, and that of my husbands, he offered to dump some of the water down his sink, and the fish too if we didn’t want them.

His wife then came out and added that there was a clam in there somewhere too!!


So, just a few minutes later we were back in our car with one very filthy tank in the trunk, and one 1/4 filled tank riding in my lap with Minnows.

(Did I mention the tank was green?  The water too?  How bout the sides?)

When we got home, the green tank went to the porch.

and the trunk tank….

was filled with kitty litter, some type of lid piece that looked melted, a broken glass, (not broken glass, but A broken glass,) a cordless phone….and yes, the charger too.

I tossed the contents of the kitty litter tank and got out the bleach!

Why people would not include the words “kitty litter” in their Craigslist ad was beyond me.

They seem to have forgotten to include a fish net too, so I sat down a few minutes later with a tea strainer and fished out the 6 little minnows, and the one surviving clam. (It seems there were 2 in the ichy murk….

(Did I mention it was crayola green?)

and I placed the living things in a tupperware container intended for Zero.

I am just praying that I can get the fish to eat crickets!

(And what the hell do fresh water clams eat??)

So, in conclusion, Craigslist is one of the many cool newbie tools to have, and if you should ever find something free on there-like fish tanks- you might want to make sure that the fish and the owners kitty litter (and house phone) is NOT included in the deal.