Updates and new bugs

After a trip on Thursday to GBU Enterprises, I came home with some new bugs, a creature I have never kept on the Desktop before, and a critter that was happily released right after I snapped it’s photo.

A turtle, obviously.  Something I have NEVER kept before.

A turtle, obviously. Something I have NEVER kept before.

3 Madagascar hissing beetles!  Yep, I am bringing them back to the zoo!!

3 Madagascar hissing beetles! Yep, I am bringing them back to the zoo!!

A Black Widow and her brood.  After photos, they were kindly released away from my home and back into the wild!

A Black Widow and her brood. After photos, they were kindly released away from my home and back into the wild!

She had a few hundred in there, I think.  Now, they will be 'enjoyed' by the folks of Stockton, CA.

She had a few hundred in there, I think. Now, they will be ‘enjoyed’ by the folks of Stockton, CA.

A Pink Toed spiderling 1" whom I am still trying to name.  Sid IV, if you will.

A Pink Toed spiderling 1″ whom I am still trying to name. Sid IV, if you will.

A cool shot of the spiderlings backside, and as one of the forum members pointed out, the spiderling resembles a Green Bottle Blue, though I doubt GBU made that big of a mistake.  I am quite certain this is an avic.

A cool shot of the spiderlings backside, and as one of the forum members pointed out, the spiderling resembles a Green Bottle Blue, though I doubt GBU made that big of a mistake. I am quite certain this is an avic.


I had a great time interviewing one of the co-owners of GBU. and may even be volunteering there if I can get out of some engagements that will take up most of my time over the next month or so.  In the meantime I will be enjoying these new additions, and hopefully will acquire more to begin doing private bug-shows and maybe getting back into selling again.  Who knows!


Mitzy, my fuzzy Lasiodora parahybana (also acquired from GBU back in February) has turned out to be a boy.  I’m toying with renaming him, but may keep it the same just to throw people off.  Even though he will not (most likely) have the opportunity to reproduce, I will still enjoy watching him grow, and will  be keeping him as a personal pet, along with Serj, my A. chalcodes female.  Serj, who can live for up to 25ish years, will hopefully become a companion for my son when he goes to college.  He’s 1 now, so just 17 years to go!






So Many Updates… but just a few for now…

Well, I have obviously neglected the Desktop blog, and sadly, there is no longer a desktop.  It looks more like a cardboard box and a couple of 10 gallon tanks.

I feel like the Zoo and I have been moving for eternity, bouncing from place to place in Stockton. Through the past few months I have bought and sold more additions than I care to mention, but the good news is that we now have an official (free) website that allows me to keep a virtual store and more- but the problem is that I have lacked the desire to rewrite care sheets and bug hunting info.

I suck, right?

Well, at least I think we have finally settled somewhere for the long term.  A studio apartment that I share with my mother.  Part of what I have been doing with the Zoo, though, consists of  adding them to yard sales and showings in whatever location I am in.  For instance, when I am at my boyfriend’s house, I have customers meet me there.  Tomorrow I will be here at Mom’s, so my customer is coming here.

This still equals a lot of bouncing for the zoo, hence the cardboard box.  I am down to 5 spiderlings, Sid, Nata, and a new A. avic that I have yet to name.

After this next weekend, though, I think I will finally be able to let these poor guys rest at my mother’s- because my guy is scared to death of them….particularly the roaches I also have.

I am sad to see the zoo has dwindled to such a state, but I am planning to rebuild with the money I make over the next few months.  It is all for the new Buggy Zoo- I call it Zen Critter.

Zen Critter’s website can be found at:


Once I get off my tired butt, I will once again add care sheets, better photos, and of course kid guides, and a pitch for some upcoming projects that I already have in the works.  The nice thing  is that my experience with Buggy Zoo has given me the framework for a much bigger (streamlined) idea.

Look for updates soon.

One last note- and I am pretty sad about this:

Siddhartha II (Avicularia avicularia) is not looking well.  He is in a permanent Kritter Keeper to help him get to his food, as he is no longer climbing or moving much.  He appears to be nearing the end, after an ultimate molt last December.  I am already researching ways to preserve him, as he was my first (long living) tarantula on the Desktop.  (You may remember Sid I lived for about 18 days after I got him… thanks PetCo. 😡  )

Sid has been retired from the multiple showings, and only comes out when absolutly necessary. (The last was for his safety, as this most recent move was a very messy one that involved some police, thieves, and sadistic threats from teenagers involving the killing of my critters…but that is another blog, for another day, in another place).

As for Nata, he is well, has taken to being handled (sort of) and is as pretty as ever.

With all the moving, I am surprised that the zoo has not packed up and left me for good.

Updates, hooks, and another camera bites the dust….

`If you have been a subscriber to this blog for more than a day, then you probably know my luck with cameras.  The last digital- the one that took the amazing Nata and Isis on Buddha shots- has been sadly returned to Wal Mart so that the zoo and I could pay rent.  I vow to you, faithful reader, that I will someday buy and KEEP a camera that does not require a connection to my laptop to work.  Til then we are back to the 1.3mp camera that makes everything fuzzy.

Sorry guys.


NATA is MALE.  FLUFFY is FEMALE. What does this mean for the zoo?  Apparently not much since Nata is scared to death of Fluffy-who is much meaner and bigger than he is.  I have tried 3 mating attempts, and being a newbie keeper, this means that nothing but a run-a-way Nata has happened.

I am reading the Tarantula Keepers Guide, checking out forums, asking questions in groups on FB, and reaching out to my FB friends on my personal profile for help.  If nothing comes in the next few weeks, I will be seeking a partner for Nata via the forums.  He is a beautiful G. rosea that deserves to fulfill his male duties.

Nata getting mating hooks (on his front pair of legs…for you other newbies out there) after his last molt was devastating to me.  I have had Nata for a year now, and he was my second Tarantula that actually lived past the 18 day mark set by Sid 1.

Even sadder for me was that I was finally able to sex Sid 2.  Yes folks, my Avicularia avicularia is also male.  Even if Fluffy were friendly, it would do Sid no good, so I am reluctantly seeking a new home for him so that he too can fulfill his natural purpose.

Sid 2 was my first tarantula (besides the one just mentioned who lasted 18 days in my home…)  and is the love of my zoo.  If you have a female A. avic, email me at 8pinktoes@gmail.com and I will get you the selling details. Same thing for Nata.  (G. rosea)

I would be willing to trade for slings or a reduced price on an A. versicolor or T. blondi.

I am off to bed now.  I will announce some updates and good news in the next few days.

Molts, NaNo, and a stray Roach.

Quick Update for you guys:

-Siddhartha, the Godfather of the Desktop (or floor of the new apartment) has molted!

I am guessing that (s)he is 4″ now!  This is the 3rd molt this year.  One every 5 months is the trend.

-Osiris Molted!  The Ephebopus cyanognathus from the kind stranger looks like it might be about 3/4″ now, up from 1/2″ ! It still has the pink legs, and hopefully will keep baby colors for a while.

Stray Roach-

One of the Gromphadorhina portentosa babies escaped, and was found basking in the light on top of Lizzy the Leopard Gecko‘s tank.  I think a few more are missing, and some have been found living amongst the crickets.  I just pick them up and place them back in the roach tank- I can’t figure out how they are escaping!

Aphrodite (Brachypelma boehmei) has not moved in a few days.  I am keeping a close watch, in hopes that there might be a molt coming up.  She hasn’t eaten in some time, so we shall see…  I hope that she turns out okay, but I refuse to move her or do anything until I know for sure.  Every forum I have read says not to move a tarantula that might be dead until it is in the death curl,and/or stinking.


12,774 words as of this posting.  I took Saturday off to spend time with my husband whom I had not seen in a week due to the move, and his new Graveyard schedule.

I have been making coffee by hand (since our old maker had to be thrown out) and my guy was awesome enough to bring us home a new one this morning!! (After I had just spent a half hour hand making a pot…sheesh!)

It gets tough to write without thoughts of editing and restarting every five minutes.  However, knowing that I have committed to doing this has really allowed me to stick to it without feeling like I can just walk away.  I have developed “writing buddies” on all of my social networks, along with interacting with local Wrimos -although I have yet to be able to make it to a write-in.  I hope to, someday!

Well, it is back to the ol’ word processor, and hopefully a few more words so that i can at least make my daily goal of 1700 words for the day.

Wish me luck, and if you are writing as well, good luck to you!

You can always look me up on the NaNo website under the user name SidNata!



Another Day, another 1/4″.

Today is Wednesday, which in my world is feeding day (As is Saturday and sometimes Sunday.) All the little spiderlings are brought down to the floor in their jars, deli cups, and now a kritter keeper.  I stack my 2 small roach keepers, and place an empty potato salad cup on top.  I bring down all my tools: Metal and plastic tweezers, empty film container, paint brush, flash light etc.

One by one, each tiny deli cup (2 L. parahybana slings and 1 B. boehmei sling) is placed in the larger potato salad cup so that when I open the lid for feeding, the spiderlings can’t escape far if they get out. I then retrieve a small cricket from the small cricket tank, and put it in the film container.   I gently crack open each lid (one at a time) and lay it on top of its container.  I then grab the isolated cricket with the tweezers, and plop it into the opened spiderling deli cup.

Tonight I found that one of my L. parahybana had molted.  It was Raven, and I have been expecting this for about 2 weeks now.  FINALLY!!

She has also grown from a tiny 1/8″ to a monstrous 1/4″!!  WHOOOO!!

As for the rest of the feeding process, the other spiderlings are in jars so I am able to keep their lids off during feeding.  Serj (A. chalcodes) looks a lot like my Nhandu sp. since yesterdays molt, but I am fairly certain that she will get her Arizona blond markings soon enough.

Tank (Aphonopelma sp.) has not been eating, so I expect his gummy physique to molt out as well in the next week or 2.

So, tonight marked the 3rd molt of September, and everyone was fed pretty well.  Sid (my A. avicularia) tried to climb out of his tank while I grabbed a cricket!  It was pretty cool watching those little pink toes come up over the edge!  I managed to toss him a cricket, which appeared to land right in his fangs. Way to fetch Sid!!  He’s a good boy 🙂

I even updated everyone’s note cards with acquisition dates, molt dates and LS”.  All 12 have cards now, and I am exhausted.  Luckily for me though, not everyone needed to be fed.  Besides the newly molted, I busted Isis with a giant B. dubia roach in her mouth last night.  It was one of the left overs that lives in her soil from my deceased colony. I have a few left in some of the jars, and even catch them from time to time eating the remains of crickets not consumed by the spiderlings.  They must be eating well because this sucker was bigger than the snacker herself!!  (Her abdomen at least) and I know it wasn’t that big when I put it in there several months ago!

Feeding day was a success, and even though I am tired from a long day at work, and then an hour of feeding/record keeping/blogging, I am happy to finally be getting the rhythm of this invertebrate keeping down.  Spider checks in the morning, and in the evening, with Giant Cockroach checks at some point after work.

I am now ready for bed.

Ants on the Desk …… :| (Ugh!)

Last night, 2 Chilean Rose tarantulas had to be evacuated from their tanks in an effort to combat the swarm of ants that was invading their desk.  Although no one was hurt, both spiders remain confused, and rather pissed off that they were so rudely interrupted.

Siddhartha, the Pink Toed neighbor, refused to leave her dwelling, and was luckily unaffected by her neighbor’s plight.  I found an ant or 2 in her tank, but nothing else.  Stragglers probably, looking for more food.

All this came about when around 10:30 last night I noticed Nata acting strangely.  I normally do a check in the morning, and just before bed, so I tend to catch anything out of the ordinary pretty quickly.  Nata had been out of her burrow, sitting by her water dish.  Normally she does this if she is eating, but when I looked over at where her crickets  sit, I saw that one was dead and covered in ants, and another was sitting at the top of the cricket hide.

This is why I am always looking for extra tanks.  I needed to get Nata out fast, so I used the best thing I had: a live animal carrier from Petco for small animals.  I managed to get her to go back into her favorite burrow (a dibs container) and placed her and the burrow into the Petco carrier.

I had to remove everything from her tank, and dump out all the bedding.  (Note to self: buy EXTRA bedding.)  I took a wet (new, not used) sponge and wiped down the top and lid of the tank, and put fresh bedding in.

After I got her water dish back in, I made the decision to keep any crickets out for the night.  I repeated the process with Sarva, and all seems well.

For a temporary fix, I placed liquid dish soap around the 2 big tanks, and placed the unaffected spiderlings on top.  It looks like everything is ok this morning, but I will continue to monitor the tanks.

We live in a small apartment, so the desktop is the only place I have to keep them.

No other critters were affected by the ants. 😐

I am still tired, and need many more cups of coffee.

I love bugs, but they (INCLUDING ANTS) need to learn to stay outside unless pre-authorized to come in.


Buggy Zoo Photos

Siddhartha<<<<<CLICK THERE

This is my invertebrate page from my website, Buggy Zoo.


Exciting news!!  I dumped 4 crickets into Sid’s tank and she finally decided they were good enough to chow on!!  She is having her first meal in weeks right now!

I had to do a cricket count a bit ago, as one was on the floor scaring the hell out of my cat.  (Franky is a city cat, so he has no idea what to do with crawly things..)  This was one of the 4 that belonged to Sid.

Nata got 3, plus she still had one remaining from the last batch.  The way she is eating, I expect these to last a little less than a week.  After that, she is cut off for a week or so.  I don’t want to risk her growing up too fast 😉

I guess this weeks project is to figure how the crickets are escaping from Sid’s tank.  I imagine this is why she hasn’t been eating, and possibly why my house sounds like a warm spring night in the woods!

She has finally stopped pacing, and all is well in Buggy Zoo.

Making Some Changes/Slings and Things

Sid is still not quite acting normal.  I checked for mites, possible leftover crickets (that have soured) and other outside influences that could be causing her odd behavior.

So, yesterday I spent some time adding and subtracting some things from her tank, along with removing the remains of her tattered web.  I added in a piece of driftwood that runs the length of the 10 gallon tank, (which thankfully is shaped well, to run from the bottom of the tank to the top, one side to the other at a slant) I have also placed another piece that runs the width of the tank directly under the upward part of the long driftwood…if that makes any sense.)

Sid is sitting by the shorter piece now, on the side of the tank, but has been all over the place.  I hope the pacing stops soon.  She has fresh water, new things to climb, and perfect humidity.  In a little while I will go to the market and try to feed her some crickets.

Nata on the other hand, has been pigging out since yesterday, and I think she might be on her 3rd cricket this week.  She is fascinating to watch, and is quite lively!


Serj is taking on an ENORMOUS feeder roach right now.  This is her 2nd in the last 24 hours.   She is very active, and I enjoy watching her continually dig in her burrow.

Tank (AKA- Darwin as she has been dubbed) has also been actively burrowing, but I am noticing that the black spot on her abdomen is getting rather dull in color.  This may explain the lack of feeding, as these are both signs of an upcoming molt.  Her burrow is about 2 times as deep as Serj’s, and appears to be molded inward towards the center of the jar, making her difficult to see at times.  It looks like she is making various chambers.

Isis is looking a lot larger than she did a week ago.  I don’t know if it has to do with the added visibility of her jar (compared to her deli cup) but she too looks dull like Tank.  The difference is that she seems to eat readily, and has had at least 2 roaches that I am aware of in the last week.

Siddhartha’s Journey

Today is just another day for 4 of my tarantulas.  (With the exception of Serj, who was caught eating a roach this morning-FINALLY. *why I was up looking at spiders at 1am I will never know)

Sid, however, will have to adjust to a new tank set up.  I am rearranging her tank, and adding a long piece of driftwood that I took out in January for molting reasons.  I hope this helps her, as she hasn’t eaten in about 3 weeks (since her last molt), and has torn her web to shreds.  She has also been pacing, which really worries me.

In order for me to clean out her tank, I will need to remove her into a smaller plastic jar.  The hissing roach I have left is occupying the critter keeper, so Sid will have to tough it out for about 15 minutes in my dollar store holder.

I hope Sid takes well to the transformation.

*In other news*

I dropped off the 35mm film from Monday’s picture day, so I should have the pics back in a week.  I SERIOUSLY need to stop spending money, and get a friggen digital.