Central Valley Herpetological Society

I have recently done an interview with the founder and president of the CVHS here in California.  Although the group does not necessarily pertain to tarantulas, I thought it would be neat to showcase the hobby that goes hand in hand with tarantula keeping- reptiles.  Even better is that this guy not only founded the CVHS, but also has started a BUG CLUB here in California!!!  I think I am in love (with critters!)


The article on CVHS can be viewed HERE

My lovely little Sarva on a book about spiders.

My lovely little Sarva on a book about spiders.


Prepare to ‘Bug Out’ at California Bug Club’s next meeting

Prepare to ‘Bug Out’ at California Bug Club’s next meeting.

Prepare to 'Bug Out' at California Bug Club's next meeting

Visit the  California Bug Club for more information.

To my followers


Dear fine people of WordPress and beyond,

Thank you for the time you have taken to stop by, like, and comment on my blog.  I appreciate it very much.  If you are new, please bare with the shameless promotion of my Examiner articles, as I am a new contributor to the site, and have not yet gotten my legs.

Also, in case you have noticed, a lot of my older posts here are missing their photos and have expired links.  This is due to the hosting website, which is no longer available.  I apologize for this, and have been working (slowly) to get the photos back up.  The computer that had the originals is also down, so I have to comb through my multiple social media sites to see if back-ups were saved. Please bare with me during this painstaking process, and thank you, in advance, for your patience.  If you are looking for something in particular, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the form in the sidebar.

To piggyback on the photos issue, I also must warn that I have incredibly bad luck with cameras.  If I have not posted in a while, it is probably to do a broken piece of equipment.

I am happy to have you aboard, and would love to hear from you!

Thanks again, and I look forward to helping you along your journey into the world of invertebrate hunting and keeping.  See you around!


(Photos!!) My little slug hunt

Temporary pets: Slugs


Yeah, I had a little too much fun with this!

See the article at http://www.examiner.com/list/temporary-pets-slugs?cid=db_articles

Tarantulas are great first pets for children

See the article here

ImageThis is “Fluffy”, the grouchiest G. rosea I have ever come across.  She is a female.

You can read the article ‘Tarantulas make great pets for any child’ HERE