Central Valley Herpetological Society

I have recently done an interview with the founder and president of the CVHS here in California.  Although the group does not necessarily pertain to tarantulas, I thought it would be neat to showcase the hobby that goes hand in hand with tarantula keeping- reptiles.  Even better is that this guy not only founded the CVHS, but also has started a BUG CLUB here in California!!!  I think I am in love (with critters!)


The article on CVHS can be viewed HERE

My lovely little Sarva on a book about spiders.

My lovely little Sarva on a book about spiders.


Prepare to ‘Bug Out’ at California Bug Club’s next meeting

Prepare to ‘Bug Out’ at California Bug Club’s next meeting.

Prepare to 'Bug Out' at California Bug Club's next meeting

Visit the  California Bug Club for more information.