Tarantulas are great first pets for children

See the article here

ImageThis is “Fluffy”, the grouchiest G. rosea I have ever come across.  She is a female.

You can read the article ‘Tarantulas make great pets for any child’ HERE

Mitzy (L. parahybana) post Molt

Mitzy has grown a bit.  I think (s)he’s about 1 1/2″ now, and molted sometime in the past week.  I am hoping to get another L. parahybana soon…and maybe a roach or 10.ImageImageImage

The last photo is Mitzy’s molt.

Highlight-Lasidora parahybana

Mitzy (L.P.)

Meet Mitzy, the 1″ Lasidora parahybana that I acquired in February while getting another tarantula sexed.

Mitzy’s species is the 3rd largest in the world, giving her the reputation of being a “dinner plate” tarantula. In an ironic twist, some  species are used for food. (Although I have been told that the taste is comparable to that of a soft shelled crab.  I think I’ll pass on both, thank you!)

The L. parahybana is an aggressive eater, eating pretty much anything you can throw at it.  Mice and lizards are a wild staple, although my preference is to only feed insects- mostly crickets and roaches.  (For tiny spiderlings of other species, I do occasionally buy flightless fruit flies.)  Which ever becomes your preference is fine, but remember that the LP is a new world species, so  if they feel threatened they will not hesitate to flick hairs.  Take caution to keep these hairs from entering your airways and eyes.  If you do wind up with one of the urticating hairs in your skin, be prepared for an itchy rash.  And yes, I do mean ITCHY.  Also, as if I have to tell you, BE VERY CAREFUL of the fangs of this species!  They can be up to 1″ long, and inflict an extremely painful bite. ALWAYS USE CAUTION WHEN FEEDING!!!

Mitzy may look harmless now, but someday she (I hope for a she, at least) will be extremely large and bulky, and will grow quickly into a nice roomie 20 gallon tank.  If  you acquire one as an adult, be sure to have an appropriate house.  This means no large sided tanks because if your critter falls, it can be fatal.  Also, a shallow water dish, and moderate humidity should be provided.  Keep a spray bottle on hand to fill the dish from above your tank lid (if the LP’s size is too intimidating for you to put your hands in the tank) and to keep the humidity up.  As your LP molts, (flips over and plays dead while shedding it’s exoskeleton) it will need extra humidity and a quiet dark environment. Cover the tank, and do not handle your LP for at least a week to be safe.  This goes for all T’s, and although some people say to only wait 3 days, I prefer safe than sorry methods.  Do not feed your critter at all during this period as crickets like to feed on, and possibly kill, molting tarantulas.  (Even after they molt, tarantulas are very soft  and easily killed by an aggressive keeper or hungry food source.)

Provide a hiding spot (hollow logs for BIG LP’s and film containers, or halved flower pots for smaller ones.)

Mitzy is now a 1″ spiderling, but was only 1/8″ when acquired.  These suckers grow FAST so be prepared by reading a lot of books, blogs, and articles.  Also, never be afraid to ask questions to other hobbyists.  I do and always will, as there is so much to learn.  Facebook, arachnoboards and the American Tarantula Society are great places to start.  Many keepers also recommend a book called The Tarantula Keeper’s Guide as THE BEST BOOK on tarantula keeping.

I hope to have shared some information that may help you in your own endeavors as a tarantula keeper.  The Lasidora parahybana is an excellent addition to any household as it is low maintenance, displays well, and makes for great learning for older children and adults alike.  No walking, peeing on the carpet, or tearing up of your furniture.

Find me on Facebook. and use my resources to jump start your hobby today 🙂 OR, just search for your own.  They are out there, and in the hundreds of  thousands across the world.

I have been keeping T’s for 4 years, and probably will for many to come.  I love the hobby, the tarantulas, and seeing children and adults take one home for the first time.

Good luck, and thanks for reading!

A few old and new pics

A few old and new pics

Me and some of my past and present critters 🙂

Osiris (E, cyanognathos)

Osiris (E, cyanognathos)

Nata (B. Rosea) and I RIP

Nata (G. Rosea)  RIP



Mitzy (L.P.)

Mitzy (L.P.)

Zero (C. fasciatum)

Zero (C. fasciatum)

Serj (A. chalcodes)

Serj (A. chalcodes)

To My Fellow Keepers (UPDATE)

Hello again!  It’s been a long time, and if you are browsing my site for photos of beautiful tarantulas and hissing roaches, I am sad to say, you will be disappointed,  Everything I had was linked to a website that I have since let lapse.

Since relocating the zoo to California, my priorities have shifted and unfortunately, my luck with electronics extended to my laptop. The Toshiba  is now sitting idly by, awaiting the day it will come alive again.  I have since sold most of the critters except for Serj, my beautiful 3 1/2″ A. Chalcodes.  I had her sexed in February, and received the happiest news!  It’s all skirts and barbies for her! 🙂

Then, I decided that while getting her sexed, I would try my luck with an LP (Salmon Pink Birdeater) sling.  I bought Mitzy right then, and am awaiting the day  when I will discover whether it’s bloomers or boxers for the little 3/4″ beauty.  Both she and Serj were a 1/8″ handful in the beginning, but now they are both getting huge! I never thought that my little desert freebie would turn out to be a critter that will probably go to college with my son.  Mitzy is designated to be for sale, but not until another molt or 6….

What’s that?  You didn’t know I had a baby?  Well….yes, and he is a beautiful, bouncing boy, born July 22nd, 2012.

Serj came before he did, and in between, I was devastated by the loss of both Sid and Nata within a few weeks of each other.   They  now reside in my freezer and are awaiting preservation.  (Yes, I know, I know….a year and a half is a long time to live in a freezer…but please bare with me! I’ve been busy!)  My baby is now learning about T’s through Serj and Mitzy, and will one day understand the beginnings of Buggy Zoo. He will also learn the story of  how Sid and Nata started it all.  They are definitely missed.

So, here’s to a new chapter of “The Zoo” with Mitzy, and a very pretty Serj leading the way.  Perhaps the name of the blog will change to From the Desktop of Serj and Mitzy….Naaahhhh

I look forward to bringing you new photos, on a new laptop (thanks to my Oregon friend who understood my predicament).  Until my old one is up, you can still view many photos on my facebook pages, since sadly, the Toshiba holds all of the originals. (A great lesson in BACKING UP FILES.)

Also, I look forward to sharing my son’s journey around the zoo with all of you.  If I ever refer to “Moo”, you will know I am talking about him.

Thank you for reading 😀

Have a great day, week, month, and year.

So Many Updates… but just a few for now…

Well, I have obviously neglected the Desktop blog, and sadly, there is no longer a desktop.  It looks more like a cardboard box and a couple of 10 gallon tanks.

I feel like the Zoo and I have been moving for eternity, bouncing from place to place in Stockton. Through the past few months I have bought and sold more additions than I care to mention, but the good news is that we now have an official (free) website that allows me to keep a virtual store and more- but the problem is that I have lacked the desire to rewrite care sheets and bug hunting info.

I suck, right?

Well, at least I think we have finally settled somewhere for the long term.  A studio apartment that I share with my mother.  Part of what I have been doing with the Zoo, though, consists of  adding them to yard sales and showings in whatever location I am in.  For instance, when I am at my boyfriend’s house, I have customers meet me there.  Tomorrow I will be here at Mom’s, so my customer is coming here.

This still equals a lot of bouncing for the zoo, hence the cardboard box.  I am down to 5 spiderlings, Sid, Nata, and a new A. avic that I have yet to name.

After this next weekend, though, I think I will finally be able to let these poor guys rest at my mother’s- because my guy is scared to death of them….particularly the roaches I also have.

I am sad to see the zoo has dwindled to such a state, but I am planning to rebuild with the money I make over the next few months.  It is all for the new Buggy Zoo- I call it Zen Critter.

Zen Critter’s website can be found at:


Once I get off my tired butt, I will once again add care sheets, better photos, and of course kid guides, and a pitch for some upcoming projects that I already have in the works.  The nice thing  is that my experience with Buggy Zoo has given me the framework for a much bigger (streamlined) idea.

Look for updates soon.

One last note- and I am pretty sad about this:

Siddhartha II (Avicularia avicularia) is not looking well.  He is in a permanent Kritter Keeper to help him get to his food, as he is no longer climbing or moving much.  He appears to be nearing the end, after an ultimate molt last December.  I am already researching ways to preserve him, as he was my first (long living) tarantula on the Desktop.  (You may remember Sid I lived for about 18 days after I got him… thanks PetCo. 😡  )

Sid has been retired from the multiple showings, and only comes out when absolutly necessary. (The last was for his safety, as this most recent move was a very messy one that involved some police, thieves, and sadistic threats from teenagers involving the killing of my critters…but that is another blog, for another day, in another place).

As for Nata, he is well, has taken to being handled (sort of) and is as pretty as ever.

With all the moving, I am surprised that the zoo has not packed up and left me for good.

Moving, again….

Well, being that I am such a lazy blogger, I have a lot to say, and just a cup of coffee to help me say it.  As the title states, the zoo and I will be moving, again.  This time however, it will not be within Oregon.  We are packing up and heading to Stockton, CA sometime around the first.

If you have been a reader of my blog for a while, then you know that I refer to the zoo as Buggy Zoo.  This will change in the upcoming weeks, as I am hoping to make even more additions that will prove “neato” to the local people in Stockton.  Part of my plan is to run a booth at the Open Air Mall on Wilson Way, where these little critters can be showcased, and hopefully will inspire some new hobbyists to join the tarantula fan club.

The first new additions have already arrived, as I have just acquired some tiny Avicularia avicularia! They are cute, fuzzy, and are sure to make some child or adult happy as they grow into Pink Toed adults.  Up next on my grocery list is the Brachypelma smithi, which is the Red knee.  I have already sold one, and plan to get more.

For the first time, the zoo will have a dedicated shop, that is going to be set up specifically for them.  In the back of the house I am moving into there are shelves, and the ability to heat/cool them as needed.  We will be sharing the space with a bike shop, so if you are ever in the area and need a bike, or a tarantula, feel free to stop on by.

While I am excited to move, I am sad to see Oregon through a rear view mirror.  I hope to return once I take care of some things in California.

On a sadder note, on 2-16-11, the zoo lost Aphrodite– the Flame Leg sling.  She went into a molt, and never came out.  At 1/2″, she was very tiny, and it is hard to tell what could have caused the issue.  She will certainly be missed.