New Things and Slings

Next weekend I get to add a couple more new spiderlings to the zoo.  I am pretty excited about this as I have thoroughly enjoyed watching my Red Knee, Arizona Blond, and Davis Mnt Rusty slings.

I am currently undecided which slings I will be taking home, so over the next week I will be featuring a few species that I am interested in.  Each day I will choose a sling or 2 to feature, and for each, I will post a care sheet as well as a picture from the web of that sling as an adult.

I will post here as usual, but possibly start a Care Sheets section on this blog, as well as a page of sheets on my website

Here are a few of the species I am considering:

If all goes well, I hope to be somewhat educated about the species I decide to get so the thing has a chance of survival!  So far, with the exception of a single roach, everyone is alive and well.

I must admit- I am now addicted to tarantulas.