New Pics, New Members, New Year..soon….

I have not blogged in a while, and there are some aspects of the zoo that have changed.  First of all, there are fewer members now as I have started getting Buggy Zoo on track to begin selling (which actually came in handy for the holiday season…but not for what you think..) and secondly, we finally managed to get a REAL camera!

Who’s Been Sold:

Zero (C. fasciatum) and Sarva (Grammostola rosea)

Both went to wonderful homes, and are definitely missed here at the Zoo.

Even though I really disliked seeing them go, it was definitely an experience worth having.  I got to screen the people buying them, and even managed a cool roach (G. portentosa) freebie with the sale of Sarva- who went home with a very intelligent, and very young girl who was already raising frogs and other reptiles.  Sarva was to be her first tarantula, so all the nights of handling the well mannered arachnid should pay off.  They were a good fit for each other!

We also had an addition here at the zoo- another Rose Hair that I have dubbed “Fluffy”.  Fluffy is actually the oldest in my zoo, at an estimated 7 or 8 years old, and began her journey towards the Zoo as a Halloween Decoration that never seemed to leave the house that she was decorating.  The tarantula started out as a pet for at least 6 years, but was left at a house to scare party goers.  For a whole year Fluffy stayed as a decoration that was reluctantly fed by a woman who was deathly afraid of her. Even though she was fed well, Fluffy wound up on a Craigs List ad that caught my eye.

She is fat, dull in color, and kind of decrepit looking- which is why I love the name I chose for her.  “Fluffy” denotes her true beauty, which comes in her still fuzzy appearance:


Now, compared to Nataraja (old photo on the right above my wrist)



There is quite a difference.

I love our new camera, and in the new year, I hope to use it much more.

Here is one more for you:Skeleton Blue Fang Spiderling

For questions, comments, or sales info- please use the form on the right.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

~Tia Marie