Highlight-Lasidora parahybana

Mitzy (L.P.)

Meet Mitzy, the 1″ Lasidora parahybana that I acquired in February while getting another tarantula sexed.

Mitzy’s species is the 3rd largest in the world, giving her the reputation of being a “dinner plate” tarantula. In an ironic twist, some  species are used for food. (Although I have been told that the taste is comparable to that of a soft shelled crab.  I think I’ll pass on both, thank you!)

The L. parahybana is an aggressive eater, eating pretty much anything you can throw at it.  Mice and lizards are a wild staple, although my preference is to only feed insects- mostly crickets and roaches.  (For tiny spiderlings of other species, I do occasionally buy flightless fruit flies.)  Which ever becomes your preference is fine, but remember that the LP is a new world species, so  if they feel threatened they will not hesitate to flick hairs.  Take caution to keep these hairs from entering your airways and eyes.  If you do wind up with one of the urticating hairs in your skin, be prepared for an itchy rash.  And yes, I do mean ITCHY.  Also, as if I have to tell you, BE VERY CAREFUL of the fangs of this species!  They can be up to 1″ long, and inflict an extremely painful bite. ALWAYS USE CAUTION WHEN FEEDING!!!

Mitzy may look harmless now, but someday she (I hope for a she, at least) will be extremely large and bulky, and will grow quickly into a nice roomie 20 gallon tank.  If  you acquire one as an adult, be sure to have an appropriate house.  This means no large sided tanks because if your critter falls, it can be fatal.  Also, a shallow water dish, and moderate humidity should be provided.  Keep a spray bottle on hand to fill the dish from above your tank lid (if the LP’s size is too intimidating for you to put your hands in the tank) and to keep the humidity up.  As your LP molts, (flips over and plays dead while shedding it’s exoskeleton) it will need extra humidity and a quiet dark environment. Cover the tank, and do not handle your LP for at least a week to be safe.  This goes for all T’s, and although some people say to only wait 3 days, I prefer safe than sorry methods.  Do not feed your critter at all during this period as crickets like to feed on, and possibly kill, molting tarantulas.  (Even after they molt, tarantulas are very soft  and easily killed by an aggressive keeper or hungry food source.)

Provide a hiding spot (hollow logs for BIG LP’s and film containers, or halved flower pots for smaller ones.)

Mitzy is now a 1″ spiderling, but was only 1/8″ when acquired.  These suckers grow FAST so be prepared by reading a lot of books, blogs, and articles.  Also, never be afraid to ask questions to other hobbyists.  I do and always will, as there is so much to learn.  Facebook, arachnoboards and the American Tarantula Society are great places to start.  Many keepers also recommend a book called The Tarantula Keeper’s Guide as THE BEST BOOK on tarantula keeping.

I hope to have shared some information that may help you in your own endeavors as a tarantula keeper.  The Lasidora parahybana is an excellent addition to any household as it is low maintenance, displays well, and makes for great learning for older children and adults alike.  No walking, peeing on the carpet, or tearing up of your furniture.

Find me on Facebook. and use my resources to jump start your hobby today 🙂 OR, just search for your own.  They are out there, and in the hundreds of  thousands across the world.

I have been keeping T’s for 4 years, and probably will for many to come.  I love the hobby, the tarantulas, and seeing children and adults take one home for the first time.

Good luck, and thanks for reading!

A few old and new pics

A few old and new pics

Me and some of my past and present critters 🙂

Osiris (E, cyanognathos)

Osiris (E, cyanognathos)

Nata (B. Rosea) and I RIP

Nata (G. Rosea)  RIP



Mitzy (L.P.)

Mitzy (L.P.)

Zero (C. fasciatum)

Zero (C. fasciatum)

Serj (A. chalcodes)

Serj (A. chalcodes)




My B. smithi looking at a butterfly through her enclosure.

Isis- B. smithi

Beauty is something that can only be defined through the interpretation of the one witnessing it.  I found this opportune shot to be beautiful, while others questioned the subject herself.

I look, and wonder what she would really see in her reflection.  Would she consider herself to be beautiful? Or would she question her color and size? Would she love or loathe her 8 fuzzy legs?

Perhaps she would think she had wings….

Who would I be to tell her that she doesn’t?

Word of the Day 1.1.11





Every year millions of us set out to begin new with a series of resolves and a new set of rules for our lives.  Usually, the new ideas fizzle within a few weeks, leaving us as failures in our own minds.


This year, I am hoping to change that for myself, and am only resolving to continue my journey upwards.  This year will mark my 6 year anniversary away from substance abuse, and the road has looked up ever since.

I will continue in my tarantula hobby, and perhaps grow the “zoo” by a few critters.

I will continue to read books that enrich my life and vocabulary, while straying from medias that inspire negativity.

I will continue to not smoke, drink, or do whatever it is I did before.

I will continue to love my family, and be as present for them as humanly possible.

I will continue to wear slacks with funny socks, collect sporks, and play with bugs.

I will continue to drink coffee until I get so tired of it I stop.

I will continue to enjoy life, even in the simplest ways.

Isis and Buddha
Isis (B. smithi) and Buddha
Finally got them off the floor!! 12.31.10
Off The Floor 12.31.10

Sporks on my Wall



I resolve to keep going.


New Pics, New Members, New Year..soon….

I have not blogged in a while, and there are some aspects of the zoo that have changed.  First of all, there are fewer members now as I have started getting Buggy Zoo on track to begin selling (which actually came in handy for the holiday season…but not for what you think..) and secondly, we finally managed to get a REAL camera!

Who’s Been Sold:

Zero (C. fasciatum) and Sarva (Grammostola rosea)

Both went to wonderful homes, and are definitely missed here at the Zoo.

Even though I really disliked seeing them go, it was definitely an experience worth having.  I got to screen the people buying them, and even managed a cool roach (G. portentosa) freebie with the sale of Sarva- who went home with a very intelligent, and very young girl who was already raising frogs and other reptiles.  Sarva was to be her first tarantula, so all the nights of handling the well mannered arachnid should pay off.  They were a good fit for each other!

We also had an addition here at the zoo- another Rose Hair that I have dubbed “Fluffy”.  Fluffy is actually the oldest in my zoo, at an estimated 7 or 8 years old, and began her journey towards the Zoo as a Halloween Decoration that never seemed to leave the house that she was decorating.  The tarantula started out as a pet for at least 6 years, but was left at a house to scare party goers.  For a whole year Fluffy stayed as a decoration that was reluctantly fed by a woman who was deathly afraid of her. Even though she was fed well, Fluffy wound up on a Craigs List ad that caught my eye.

She is fat, dull in color, and kind of decrepit looking- which is why I love the name I chose for her.  “Fluffy” denotes her true beauty, which comes in her still fuzzy appearance:


Now, compared to Nataraja (old photo on the right above my wrist)



There is quite a difference.

I love our new camera, and in the new year, I hope to use it much more.

Here is one more for you:Skeleton Blue Fang Spiderling

For questions, comments, or sales info- please use the form on the right.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

~Tia Marie

Care sheets updates

A few months back I made some quick care sheets for various species using photos and info from around the web.  Now that I have acquired a few new slings, I decided it was time to update the care sheets using my own photos and some information relevant to my critters to give you a quick overview of the desktop.

To see these updated sheets, just visit this link HERE.

The site BUGGYZOO will now host the “Meet the Zoo” page as well.

I see a lot of searches for the Cyclosternum fasciatum and Nhandu chromatus, so I will be sure to keep these pages updated frequently.

Each care sheet now has my critter’s LS, name, common name, and photo- as well as information on temperament and housing etc.

I have been promising these updates, so finally, here they are!


Scratching my head….

I have been too lazy to post anything lately, but here is a quick update:

Zero (C. fasciatum) has still not let me measure him….nor have I been able to get near the molt.  Today though, he did begin to push it out of his hide, so tomorrow I am going to try and remove it while feeding the zoo.

Tank (Aphonopelma sp.) has not eaten in a while, and looks like he may be molting.  Aphrodite (B. boehmei) has also been refusing food, and looks very boring in color.  I really REALLY REALLY can’t wait for her to molt!!

Nata (G. rosea) exhibited some odd behaviors on Sunday, and in addition to refusing food (which is not like her at all!) she attacked the water that I was pouring in her dish AND attacked the tweezers I was using to place a cricket in her tank.  This is highly unlike her.

Now, she and Sarva are both acting like normal pet rocks.  WEIRD.

Thank God Sarva is still normal, and as always was a pleasure to hold during feeding.  She’s so sweet!

Well, that was my update, and when I finally get my schedule back (as far as adjusting to new work times and new sleep times) I will post the promised pictures, Molt Update, LS roundup, and regular blogging.

BTW- For those of you who read my Frank Zappa blog, I wanted to let you know that tonight my cat tried to eat my foot…through my blanket.  He is truly a douche-bag, but yes…I love him.

My boy loves me!

Frankie *Wonder Kitty* Loving Me With His Teeth

Hissing Cockroaches and Spinach :\

The desktop is excited to announce that there have been 2 new additions made: A pair of Gromphadorhina portentosa.

gromphadorhina portentosa

Blurry, but shows the markings.

Better picture of the (Female?)

Basically, this is one of the largest of the Hissing Cockroaches, and is also the most comon of the keeping hobby.  When I looked at these guys, I was reminded of the scene of Men in Black (Will Smith movie) where the cockroach guy began to fall apart.

Also, these guys (and the Tiger Hissers I have) seem to hate spinach.  Stoopid PICKY roaches 😐

Pictures and Measurements!

I got a couple of Serj and Tank, as well as Isis and Annabel Lee a few days after their molts.  I measured both, and here are the results:

Annabel Lee:

Old LS- 1/8″ New LS-1/2″


Old LS-3/4″ New LS- 1 1/4″ (WHOO!!)

I held Isis (Brachypelma smithi) for the first time about 4 days after her molt, when she was out and about looking for food.  Though I didn’t get any of her in my hand, I did get a few of her last night!

Isis 8.29.10

Here is Isis eating a cricket!

Alee- Lasidora parahybana- (as compared to a Cheerio..since I couldn’t find a dime):

Alee 8.29

Alee on the side (By a Cheerio)

Alee by a meal

Here is are a couple of Serj (Aphonopelma chalcodes):

Serj on the Jar

Serj 8.29 With Notecard

Tank (Aphonopelma sp.):

Tank 8.29

Tank and the Cheerio

Frank Zappa and the Girl who loved Noodles

Frank Zappa was a loud, charismatic and over the top musician who put the song “Catholic Girls” in my head for years.  Frank Zappa is also a flea bitten clump of fur that is currently licking unmentionable parts of his anatomy at my feet.  It should be obvious to you that the lyrical genius behind the breath taking lyrics “Why does it Hurt When I pee?” is NOT the subject of this blog, and the brown and black striped Fancy Feast machine is.



Frank Zappa, aka Frankie aka Frank (pronounced “Fronk”) is a pain in my ass, and while he is currently plotting my undoing, I am sitting here wondering how high the “Kitty Copter” could launch him. We have come to an understanding over the past 2 years that I am the human around here, and he is to obey my every command-once he releases my ankle in his bear hug.

This handsome boy, destined to become a thorn in my sock, started out in a less that desirable way. He came to me in a box, and from the looks of it, from a person who wanted to just get rid of the kitten. (But used the story of “finding this kitten on the side of the road.” to tug at my heart strings a bit.)

I was living alone in the western side of Los Angeles, and as the manager of a pet supply store, I knew that having a little kitty around was exactly what I had wanted.  Long story short, this was my first apartment without any traces of man or beast living along side of me.  I was a free woman with just a job, and internet connection, and not a TV or social life in sight.  Then came this kitty in a box, and my world suddenly became about it.

Funny thing about working at an animal supply store, is that one tends to not question when people tell you the sex of their pets.  The thought was no different as I blindly took the man’s word that this little kitten was a she.  My staff at the time put in suggestions for names immediately (as kitty spent my shift in the office) and the name Stella came about.  (after the raw diet we promoted for animals.)

Stella went home that night with a purple collar, heart shaped tag, and all the kitty necessities.

Over the next few weeks, she seemed sweet until one day she discovered how to knock over a coffee cup, thus ending my cream colored carpet for good.

After the first triumph, it was over for any cup after that, until Stella graduated to change, plants, and anything else sitting on a surface.

Baaad Kitty Stella!!

OOPS!- Remember the guy who gave me this girl kitty?  I guess he (and I) were too stupid to check under the skirt of this little kitty.  Stella, the vet announced, is a boy!


I again had to choose a name for this heathen in fur, and my boyfriend came up with the name Frank, after the legend, and after the moments we had shared listening to the pee song (long ago) in his car at the park.  Frank Zappa it is.

About a year later, I flew Frank to Oregon where he has since become an outdoor kitty (and indoor, and in my bed, and on my chair, and on my ankle…) He has bonded well with my guy, and I am under the distinct impression that Frank has finally decided to get rid of me. Right before moving day, the sweet little kitty took a massive chunk out of my arm, actually causing nerve damage.  I guess he wanted to play…or kill me. $100.00 later for the doctor, and another $100 to the airline (plus the cost of my ticket) and we boarded the plane to Oregon.  I got Coach, Frank got cargo.  PFFFFFTTTHHHHHHHH!!!!

Frank fights with me over the lap of my guy, and even tries to steal my food (buttered noodles, cheese, ANYTHING.)  I would steal his, but Fancy Feast is just NOT my cup of tea- which too gets knocked over by the cat once named Stella.

Heeere kitty kitty…I got a present for youuuuu!!

It seems that Mr. “Fronk” is not a fan of the spray bottle I use to add humidity to the spider tanks.  Mr “Fronk” is also not a fan of the spiders, as he sits and plots away at how to knock them off the surface once used as just a desktop.  Like the change that went flying off my tables in LA, 1..2…3..plop plop plop, I could see the mini deli cups hitting the floor, rattling the tarantulas that will soon become bigger than the flea bag himself.

Oh, how I can’t wait to see the day 😀

Frank and I simply manage, and as the war progresses, I will keep you up to date.