Cyclosternum fasciatum-Costa Rican Tiger Rump

Costa Rican Tiger Rump

Costa Rican Tiger Rump

Legspan: 3 1/2- 4″ (A smaller species)

Terrestrial– Meaning that they need longer tanks as opposed to tall enclosures. Long Critter Keepers are good for this.

Humidity: 60-80%  Should be lightly misted once a week.  When they reach a leg  span of 1.5″, they should be provided a small water dish.

*I use moss from a local forest to place in the water dish to keep everyone (spider and food) from drowning.

Growth Rate: Fast


Species: New world.  Will readily flick hairs when irritated. (Slightly Nervous)

*Eats: Crickets (adult) and roaches (spiderling).

*This is how my entire collection is fed.  Feeding practices may vary by enthusiast, and in some cases, specie