And The Winners Are:

Saturday, I make some additions to the Buggy Zoo, and to the desktop of Sid and Nata.  As stated in an earlier blog, I have been grabbing  quick info care sheets for some of  the species I was considering. Those can be found in the care sheets page on this blog.

I was going to announce my picks on Friday, but circumstances have led me to make an earlier decision.  The winners of the Spider Throw Down are:

L. parahybana

C. fasciatum

B. boehmei

N. chromatus


N. coloratvilosus!

Congratulations to all the winners!!

Also, as a special treat for Tara- the A. insignis who lost her male friend, another male A. insignis and BABIES will be coming to live  in the zoo on the desktop!

I, myself, am SUPER STOKED!!  Thanks to all the neato websites, videos, and care sheets that made my search both educational and fun!