Day 2: 2 Girls, one Deli Cup (Ea.)

I don’t know their individual sexes yet, but I am hoping they are female.

I did manage to get 2 of my slings into larger deli cups, but one of them- the Davis Mountain Rusty (Aphonopelma un-named) managed to hold onto my finger mid transfer, and was quite adamant about NOT going into her new cup.  I had to coerce her in with the nifty camera film holder- the same one that scoops mini feeder roaches with ease.

I gave each relocated sling 2 feeders.  I am unsure of what was eaten yesterday as feeder roaches apparently like to burrow. :\

My A. Chalcodes (Arizona Blonde) was left in her mini cup, as she is still too tiny to be moved.  I also have no idea if she ate her feeder roach yesterday.  I will give her a single roach in a little while, just in case.

Feeding Time

I just realized an amazing thing that camera film holders are good for: FEEDING.

I used this nifty device to feed all 3 of the new slings. Since I am new to using feeder roaches, I thought this would be the simplest way to scoop them out and hold enough feeders for each sling.

Davis M. Rusty Sling- 1 small roach
Arizona Blonde Sling- 1 small roach
Mexican Red Knee Sling- 2 small roaches

*NOTE* While feeding the Red Knee, I noticed that he grabbed a roach before it hit the ground of his condiment cup. I saw an old molt lying there and  boldly went to remove  it. Red Knee immediately dropped his meal and lunged to guard his molt from my fingers. Odd behavior, but perhaps he was just startled.

Neither of the 2 smaller slings seemed to notice their meals as of yet.