Day 2: 2 Girls, one Deli Cup (Ea.)

I don’t know their individual sexes yet, but I am hoping they are female.

I did manage to get 2 of my slings into larger deli cups, but one of them- the Davis Mountain Rusty (Aphonopelma un-named) managed to hold onto my finger mid transfer, and was quite adamant about NOT going into her new cup.  I had to coerce her in with the nifty camera film holder- the same one that scoops mini feeder roaches with ease.

I gave each relocated sling 2 feeders.  I am unsure of what was eaten yesterday as feeder roaches apparently like to burrow. :\

My A. Chalcodes (Arizona Blonde) was left in her mini cup, as she is still too tiny to be moved.  I also have no idea if she ate her feeder roach yesterday.  I will give her a single roach in a little while, just in case.

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