Lasidora Parahybana-Salmon Pink Bird Eater

Salmon Pink Bird Eater

Salmon Pink Bird Eater

Legspan: 9-11″ (3rd largest species in the world)

Terrestrial– Meaning that they need longer tanks as opposed to tall enclosures. Long Critter Keepers are good for this. L. parahybana is very bulky and is a poor climber.  Falls could prove fatal.

Humidity: 70-80%  Should be lightly misted once a week.  When they reach a leg  span of 1.5″, they should be provided a small water dish.

*I use moss from a local forest to place in the water dish to keep everyone (spider and food) from drowning.

Growth Rate: VERY Fast


Species: New world.  Will readily flick hairs when irritated. (Slightly Nervous) very bold species- can be found basking in the open.

*Eats: Crickets (adult) and roaches (spiderling).

L. parahybana is large enough to consume pinky mice.  Though I may find another source….

*This is how my entire collection is fed.  Feeding practices may vary by enthusiast, and in some cases, specie