Nhandu coloratvillosus Makes Rare Appearance! (With Pics)

I was finally able to capture my elusive Nhandu coloratvillosus on camera yesterday morning, as we were both in rare form.  It was actually sitting outside of its burrow, and I was able to assemble a light and my rink-e-dink webcam in perfect time!

This one, unlike the Chromatus of the same species, likes to hide, and only comes out when it is looking for food.  So, the reward for sitting so pretty?

A freshly killed cricket!

Bon Appetit!

Nhandu coloratvillosus spiderling

N. coloratvillosus Spiderling

Nhandu coloratvillosus Spiderling

Nhandu coloratvillosus Spiderling

*After picture time, I put the cricket in his deli cup (pre killed) and I went to work.  By the time I got home, both N. Color, and the cricket had vanished…..